Dean Gerald (Jerry) Lynch is the Dean of Purdue University’s Krannert School of Business. Lynch has been at Purdue since 1982. While at Purdue, he also was Associate Dean for programs and Student Services and was Associate Dean of the German International School of Management and Administration, Krannert’s international outreach MBA program in Hanover, Germany. His areas of specialty are Monetary Theory and Policy, Macroeconomics, and International Trade and Finance.
Dila Baktiroglu | | Indiana
Dila Baktiroglu is a Senior at Purdue University where she majors in Public Relations and Rhetorical Advocacy and minors in Advertising and Management. She is the Corporate Sponsorship Director at the Women in Business Association at the Krannert School of Management. She has served as an Assistant Director of Marketing and Promotion for the New York based Hakia group and most recently as an Associate at Mccann Erickson’s Turkish headquarters.